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Smoking Chimp

(Feb 22, 2009)

Board Drinking Games!

Beer Chess

Beer Chess is chess played with beer as the pieces. Beer chess is the unification of the intellect with the inebriated. Beer chess is stimulating brain cells as you kill them. Beer chess was created during a weekend retreat at the McEnaney Estate in Jackman, Maine, thus making Jackman, Maine the Beer Chess capital of the universe.


Beer chess is played with beer, a lot of beer. One side uses Light Beer (white), the other side uses regular (black) of the same brands. (see list below) Our research and development team has concluded that one can expect a standard Beer Chess game to last up to five hours, assuming neither player passes out. Intermissions, however, may be declared on a bilateral basis.


As you may have realized, this game requires a big board. While beer chess boards are now commonplace in Jackman, in other places their availability is still limited.
Again, our R+D team has arrived at a clever solution: Bathroom tiles-large white bathroom tiles. Placed on a darker table at regular intervals, one can quickly construct a professional looking Beer Chess set. For and even cheaper board, cardboard coasters, available at most bars, serve as impromptu, portable boards.


White: Black:
8 pawns: Bud Lights (8oz can) Budweiser (8oz cans)
2 Rooks: Miller Light (12oz can) Miller Genuine Draft (12 oz Can)
2 Knights: Busch Light (12 oz Can) Busch (12 oz Cans)
2 Bishops: Coors Light (12 oz Can) Coors (12 oz Cans)
Queen: Michelob Light (Bottle) Michelob (Bottle)
King: Bud Light (Bottle) Budweiser (Bottle)


  1. When one moves a piece, one must sip from the piece moved.
  2. When one's piece is captured, one must drink the entire piece.
  3. Castling requires two sips: one from the King, one from the Rook
  4. En passent requires only one sip (as in a standard pawn move)
  5. When one's pawn reaches the eighth rank, and is exchanged for a queen (or other piece), one's opponent must drink the remainder of the pawn.
  6. Once a piece is sipped, that piece must be moved. (taking back moves is not allowed)
  7. One may take as long as one wants to drink a captured piece, but the piece must be quickly consumed when a second piece is captured.
  8. After each exchange of pieces, the players must toast each other's health with the exchanged pieces.
  9. When one is put in check, one must sip from the King.
  10. Passing out constitutes a resignation.
  11. A player may not go the the bathroom before his move.
  12. When one is checkmated, one must drink:
    1. The remainder of one's King
    2. The remainder of opponent's King
    3. The remainder of one's pieces.
    (That's a lotta beer)



An adaption of the game Parchesi. If you already know how to play, it's just as easy. If you don't know, learn. Supplies: people how want to play Parchesi, the game itself, and some brew. Low-mid buzz factor.

Play the game as usual, if you get sent back, or cannot move, take a drink. It's that easy. Good with two players, each player taking two sets of pieces on opposite corners.



Another adaptation of board games, this one obviously to Backgammon. A pretty tame game, that just gets tamer. Supplies: you and a partner who wants to play Backgammon, the game itself, and some beverage. Low-mid buzz factor, depending on how fierce the competition is.

Play the game as usual. Any time one of your pieces gets sent to the bar, drink. As well, each time you take a piece off the board, drink again. Pretty straightforward.


An adaptation to the classic game of Monopoly, with a slight twist. Buzz factor is very high. Supplies: players, the game itself, and beer.

The game is Monopoly, but no money is needed; players use beer instead. Each $100 = a drink (sip usually). The rules of money changing hands is a bit tricky. If a player owes money to the bank or another player, that player that owes drinks. If a player is owed money by the bank only (passing GO, for instance) that player must drink. (a variation is to have everyone ELSE drink when a player should collect money from the bank). All dollar values are rounded UP. (i.e. $2 for Baltic is still one drink). It's a social game, and extra rules should be added as needed. Buying property at the start of the game is the hardest part. But then again, imagine paying $2000 rent on Boardwalk with a hotel!

Chutes and Ladders

Go out and buy the childrens board game.

Modify the rules as such:

Whenever you go UP a latter, count the number of squares OVER and UP that you are propelled, and distribute that many drinks among your opponents. (eg. 4 over and 3 up---7 drinks: 2 to person A, 3 to B, 2 to C, for ex.).

Whenever you go DOWN a chute, count the number of squares OVER and DOWN that you are propelled, and drink that many YOURSELF. For computer geeks, just tell them to count the Hamming distance.

If, when you spin the 'spinner', and it comes up a tie (i.e. it doesn't land on a number, but the line in between), you must spin again, and take the number of drinks that is shown. Then proceed normally.


Trivial Pursuit

Equipment: Trivial Pursuit game, two or more people, and beer.

Basically, play goes as normal. The only new rule is that, if you get a regular question wrong, you (and your partner(s), if playing teams.) drink once. If you get it right, the player or team to your left drinks once. On the pie spaces, the same rule applies, only the number of drinks is five. When the game is won, the losing player(s)/ team(s) have to finish their drinks

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Have Fun and Drink Safe!